When It Hits the Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You!

Journalist Predicts Trump Will Win The Election & The Left Will Meltdown

Real Clear Wire journalist Frank Miele predicts that Donald Trump will "win" the (s)election and the left will have an epic meltdown over it. Miele says that Trump will win decisively. 

22 October 2024

U.S. Ramps Up Screening Measures For Marburg Virus

The United States has ramped up its screening measures for the deadly Marburg virus, as Rwanda is adamant that the outbreak is getting under control. "The risk of Marburg in the U.S. remains low, however, these measures are being taken out of an abundance of caution given the ongoing outbreak in Rwanda," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spokesperson David Daigle said as the measures were announced back on October 7th.

22 October 2024

UK’s Most Recent Stunt May Lock Them Into A WAR With Russia

The United Kingdom has decided to do something that could lock them into a major war with Russia. The rulers think it is a great idea to arm Ukraine using Russia's money.

22 October 2024

Brace Yourselves: A Tsunami Approaches

Brace yourself: a tsunami approaches.

22 October 2024

Canada: Euthanasia On Demand; Doctors Licensed to Kill

As Canada expands its euthanasia regime, vulnerable people like the homeless, obese, and grieving are increasingly offered assisted suicide, countering claims that “safeguards” ensure the protocol remains limited in its scope.

21 October 2024

4 Egg Farm Workers Tested Positive For Bird Flu In California

Washington is reporting that workers at an egg farm have now contracted bird flu during the outbreak. Four people, who were egg farm workers, have now "preliminarily" tested positive for avian influenza. These contrast the other infections in humans, which were in dairy cattle workers.

21 October 2024

Israel List Conditions For Peace In Lebanon

Israel has come with a list of conditions that must be met in order for Lebanon to live in "peace." One of those conditions is the occupation of southern Lebanon.

21 October 2024

The Birth of “Irrational Exuberance”

But how do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values . . .? — Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, “The Challenge of Central Banking in a Democratic Society,” December 5, 1996

21 October 2024

Desperate Lab-Grown Meat Industry Claims It Needs Government Subsidies to Survive

Lab-grown meat is proving to be a spectacular failure, and producers are becoming so desperate that many are pushing for a public subsidy to stay afloat.

20 October 2024

Hungary’s Ruling Class Says Zelensky’s Plan Is The “Quickest Way To World War”

Hungarian official Balazs Orban has stated that the plan of Ukrainian tyrant, Volodymyr Zelensky is the "quickest way to world war". Zelensky's offer to the West includes an immediate invitation to join NATO, a ramping-up of Western weapons supplies, and support for attacks against Russia.

19 October 2024