In the news Archives - Vaccine Choice Canada
In the news Archives - Vaccine Choice Canada

Our Right. Our Choice. Our Future.

 The Science to Conclude Vaccine Safety is Inadequate

Perhaps a vaccine scientist has become and anti-vaxxer? Many who question vaccine safety are labelled as such. Following the publication of a paper by Plotkin et al. the VCC Board took action to ensure Canadian Medical Officers of Health are aware of, and act upon this information. Read our letter here:

30 September 2024

 Notice of Discontinuance

After much consultation and deliberation the Board of Directors of Vaccine Choice Canada have decided to file a ‘Notice of Discontinuance’ with regards to the legal action filed on July 6, 2020 (Court File No. CV-20-00643451-0000). Discontinuance means that a party, for its own reasons, has chosen not to continue the litigation. The decision to discontinue does not take away from the importance or merit of the case.

20 June 2024

It’s Time to End Medical Tyranny

The use of mandates for any medical intervention is abhorrent. Forcing a medical treatment upon an unwilling patient is deplorable in a society that purportedly honours individual rights and bodily sovereignty. Whether to accept or reject a medical treatment should always be a choice.

26 March 2024

The Big Gamble

The vaccine industry, including the government agencies mandated with the responsibility for vaccine oversight is gambling. They are gambling that the best way to preserve public confidence in the vaccine program is to deny and disavow any claims that vaccines have a role in the serious adverse events that are routinely witnessed following vaccination.

4 March 2024

The Denial of Adverse Event Risk Following Immunization

Vaccines are public health measures that are not evidence based as portrayed by authorities such as the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

5 February 2024

Canary in a COVID World – Part 2

In the last issue of the Choice Insider I shared quotes from a book I read over the holidays entitled, ‘Canary In a COVID World: How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World’ – A collection of essays from 34 contemporary thought leaders. In this ongoing book review, as Part 2, I finish with Chapters 20 – 34.

19 January 2024

Canary in a COVID World – Part 1

Canary in a COVID World: Book Review by Ted Kuntz (Part 1 – Chapters 1 – 19) "Over the holidays I’ve been reading ‘Canary In A COVID World: How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World’ - A collection of essays from 34 contemporary thought leaders. As difficult as it is to read this thorough and personal accounting of what we experienced these past four years, there is something affirming about seeing these statements in writing. For me it reinforced my commitment to standing firm in the face of the global tyranny we are witnessing."

2 January 2024

Waking Up to Medical Tyranny

In the 2018 Spring/Summer edition of The Vaccine Choice Journal, VCC co-founder and journal editor Edda West featured an article entitled,

23 November 2023

The Awakening is Coming

As the Covid narrative fell apart, the world showed signs that it was on the edge of something significant. The mass awakening finally felt like it was something more than a hope and a dream. The dam that keeps humanity trapped in a reservoir of helplessness, was quite clearly cracking and it felt inevitable that the flood of consciousness would soon be flowing through humanity.

6 November 2023

A Presentation to the Toronto Board of Health

Joel Sussmann's presentation to the Toronto Board of Health-Are you aware that from 2004 – 2014 ZERO people in the US died from contracting measles, according to the CDC? During this same time, 108 people died from the MMR vaccine, according to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.

9 October 2023