Corruption Awareness Ireland Page
Corruption Awareness Ireland Page

Corruption Awareness Ireland Page

Time to Throw these Politions Out of Their Jobs. Here is a look back to 2016, which looked back to 2011, and the same ve...

Time to Throw these Politions Out of Their Jobs. Here is a look back to 2016, which looked back to 2011, and the same vested interests are ruling over us, and they are destroying our country. It is time for change, but change will not come from the established Political Party elite; and it will not come from the fake opposition, those who have betrayed the people and betrayed Ireland. Good citizens need to step forward, be candidates. Also, people must make sure to vote, to not vote allows the usual elite to win. People can register online to vote up until 20th May, all that is needed is: An email address, An Eircode A PPS number. Don’t let them win. #LE24 #EP24 #DemocracyUnderThreat

4 May 2024

New Documentary about LOCKDOWN 2020. It’s January 2020, the world is in lockdown and our economy is on the brink of coll...

New Documentary about LOCKDOWN 2020. It’s January 2020, the world is in lockdown and our economy is on the brink of collapse. Will the new vaccine enable our lives to return back to normal or does it mark a pivotal point in the evolution of humanity (one that is driven by artificial intelligence, will reimagine capitalism and be governed by extreme tyrannical laws that are dictated by global elites)? The New Normal, a factual, 50-minute documentary, investigates The Fourth Industrial Revolution, what the 1% has to gain and the rest of us are about to lose. Credited to Yellow Forum

30 April 2024

Privatising Deepwater Quay / Five Foot Way, Cobh. The Port of Cork Company (PoCC) have been following a strategy for man...

Privatising Deepwater Quay / Five Foot Way, Cobh. The Port of Cork Company (PoCC) have been following a strategy for many years, to, in effect, privatise Deepwater Quay. In 2014, as part of the Planning Application to install extra bollards for tying up Cruise Liners, PoCC submitted a Traffic Management Plan in which they explicitly say “A public right of way (pedestrian only) passes through the site with separate pedestrian access gates at the site entrances, east and west.”... It is difficult to be more explicit. This was part of the conditions submitted on which Planning Permission was granted for their works. However, since then, in their strategy, PoCC submitted a new Traffic Management Plan in which the words “right of way” are replaced with the non-legal term “walkway”. Six years ago, bully tactics were used to re-direct walkers away from Deepwater Quay, over the railway bridge. When this failed, because people would accepting their dictate, PoCC started proceedings in Cork Circuit Court, case number 2019/ 01998. PoCC have asked the Court for a DECLARATION that NO Right of Way exists on Deepwater Quay. If they win, it means that, in effect, Deepwater Quay is PRIVATISED. This is where PoCC’s strategy has been going, it is nothing less than a land-grab, and shamefully, the Council are facilitating it. Since pulling back from Council in 2019 Diarmaid Ó Cadhla has continued to stand with the Save Cobh’s Rights of Way group, sadly, none of the existing Council members have had the courage to do their duty and represent the community in this matter – had they done so the issue could have been resolved overnight. The Save Cobh’s Right of Way group is supporting Diarmaid Ó Cadhla in the coming Local Elections, so that this issue can be discussed and decided where it should be – on the floor of Cork County Council. Diarmaid needs support, the issue if huge, especially for Cobh town, but for all visitors who enjoy the free and unhindered use of this public Right of Way.

29 April 2024

Peter O'Donoghue explains why he's running as an #Independent Candidate. He asked why Ireland had gone down the road we...

Peter O'Donoghue explains why he's running as an #Independent Candidate. He asked why Ireland had gone down the road we are on, and he could see that Democracy was under attack. The Political Party system does Not represent the people, they Represent the Party Leader and the Party Whip. Representatives should represent their local area, the constituents, but that is Lost in the Party system. Peter wants to see houses built, he also wants regulations on the use of mobile home...s and log cabins changed. Peter's talk described the neglect of the local area, and the waste of Taxpayers money. He called for support for Rural Communities by encouraging small domestic business, the shops and pubs and the farmers. #PeterODonoghue is Confident that he will win a Seat in the #Fermoy #Mitchelstown electoral area #Cork.

23 April 2024

Election Debate In Fermoy. Candidates in the #Fermoy District of Cork County Council were invited to put their case befo...

Election Debate In Fermoy. Candidates in the #Fermoy District of Cork County Council were invited to put their case before the public today. The people want to hear what potential Council members have to say on the #migration, 'open borders' and other issues. The #community was ignored when it was decided to pack 6 per room into Abbeyville House, which was an important Guest House locally. Safety and proper planning for public services was ignored. ALL candidates were invited. Corruption Awareness Ireland (DMCA) (WIPO) copyright ©️ All rights reserved.

21 April 2024

Mattie McGrath TD makes a Hard hitting Speech at Peter O’Donoghue’s Local Election launch. On the Asylum issue, Mattie s...

Mattie McGrath TD makes a Hard hitting Speech at Peter O’Donoghue’s Local Election launch. On the Asylum issue, Mattie said: “ this wouldn’t happen in an Asylum ”, we are Paying €1 #Million every Month to look after #Pets while #Farmers struggle with a fodder crisis. Mattie described Irish Society ... to the packed out meeting. “ Is the Judicial system serving us today, no it’s not " “ The people are not being treated as Sovereign any more " Mattie also said that #Peter and #Diarmaid will be: “ Two breaths of fresh air inside in County Hall ” Peter is an #INDEPENDENT Candidate, he is a well know Campaigner for Truth, for Civil Rights and for Peace – he is also a champion for Rural Communities. #PeterODonoghue #LocalElection #CorkCountyCouncil #MattieMcGrath

19 April 2024

Interviewing Joe Doocey, a long term Community Activist, announces his decision to stand as a Candidate in the Local Ele...

Interviewing Joe Doocey, a long term Community Activist, announces his decision to stand as a Candidate in the Local Election in order to Challenge the so called Elite. Numerous individuals have stepped forward, people who have been active on rights and justice issues for many years, others should join them. REMEMBER, the result of the recent Referendum showed that our Votes do Matter, just don’t vote for the usual tricksters and make sure you are registered to have your say.... Recording credited to RPPhotojournalist #JoeDoocey #LocalElection

18 April 2024

What is this? Any idea? Neon agency staff Erecting this Monstrosity in Houston Train Station. Check your Nuts, lol.

What is this? Any idea? Neon agency staff Erecting this Monstrosity in Houston Train Station. Check your Nuts, lol.

12 April 2024

The irish #Courts established by the so-called 'Free' State are themselves illegal. Their foundation was never "commence...

The irish #Courts established by the so-called 'Free' State are themselves illegal. Their foundation was never "commenced" in the proper manner. #PatClohessy has brought this matter to the #SupremeCourt and did also notify all sitting Members of the Oireachtas. They know it, but they have ignored the difficult reality. #PatC has now published the Evidence in his Book, for the public record. In "Hot Pursuit" of lawful justice during the 99 years of illegal Irish statutory courts. Book by Pat Clohessy. Book will be available soon to Buy on #Amazon.

12 April 2024

Pan Celtic march in Carlow town. A celebration of the Celtic cultures of Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Brittany, Isle of Man...

Pan Celtic march in Carlow town. A celebration of the Celtic cultures of Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Brittany, Isle of Man and Cornwall in music, song, dance, languages, costumes, sport and story. This festival has an exciting programme of events to keep everyone entertained, including street performances, a parade, live music and competitions. Musicians and choirs, singers and dancers, bands and storytellers from the participating Celtic nations will come together to share th...eir language and culture at this great family friendly event in Carlow. #PanCeltic #PanCelticFestival #Carlow Parade2024 #PanCelticInternationalFestival

5 April 2024