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The correspondent from Germany, Agnieszka Wolska, reports the latest shocking news!

I invite you to familiarize yourself with the latest reports from the correspondent in Germany, Ms. Agnieszka Wolska, regarding the most recent information. Over 60% of Germans oppose the delivery of Taurus self-guided missiles to Ukraine. Additionally, the material discusses speculations from Russian television regarding potential targets of European Union attacks in Germany and France.

Dmitrij Medvedev's statement on the Taurus system scandal, in which he referenced a certain poem by a Russian poet "Kill Him," illustrates the Russian government's stance on the European Union and NATO's war preparations in Ukraine.

The article also touches on the topic of Ramadan and the migration of Jews from Western European countries to Poland due to persecution. In Germany, politicians admit to mistakes made during the last pandemic (2020-2023).

Finally, readers will learn about a training session for decision-makers that took place in early February in Switzerland. This type of training is similar to the one conducted before the 2019 pandemic and was implemented a few months later.

I invite you to watch the attached video to stay up-to-date with the most important events that the European Union is currently facing.


Piotr Szlachtowicz channel: https://banbye.com/channel/ch_KV9EVObkB9wB