Event slide

The Closure of Tallaght Hospital: A Diversion Tactic?

The closure of Tallaght Hospital is a diversion topic. I don't want to downplay this fact, but people won't fall for it now. In my opinion, the real issue is the manipulation of activist groups in the context of the so-called pandemic. It's so obvious that I'm surprised Bill Gilroy didn't notice it, despite all due respect for his information about the hospital's closure. 

Mass Resettlements After World War II

As I have learned from certain sources, work is currently underway to approve the relocation of people, which effectively means resettlement. The work is ongoing, and a probable vote will take place tomorrow in the Irish parliament. A similar situation occurred after World War II when Poland's borders were changed, and Poles were massively resettled from the current territory of Ukraine to the so-called regained lands, which before the war were under the protection of the Third Reich. People may not remember this, but these are the facts.

Now the situation becomes even more dangerous as people from other civilizational cultures are being brought in. The Turanian civilization and the dominant civilizations from Africa are very different from our Latin civilization. Moreover, it's worth remembering that already in local elections in some Western European countries, Muslim communities are celebrating victories, which indicates their future potential. Although not all refugees are Muslims, the vast majority are young men who will compete with our boys in various spheres of social life and will also have the opportunity to bring in their "families." This is not a comfortable situation for our children's future.

The trivialization of national identity in schools and teaching people to live a consumerist lifestyle day by day leads to the loss of survival instinct and, consequently, the destruction of our culture.

It is crucial to remind people of the events of the past few years because human memory is fallible. The text I have written is my personal response to the current situation in the country.