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Predicting the Future: Commentary on World Control Based on Metacybernetics

The latest calculations regarding international control and analysis of future geopolitical changes on a global scale have been conducted based on the computational methods developed by the late Józef Kossecki in his book "Metacybernetics." Mr. Tomasz Banyś and Marcin Hagmajer, utilizing cybernetic formulas, provide commentary on current world events. These methods, proven by Docent Kossecki, have been documented and published in special tables, forecasting countries' shares in international control with great precision.

Why should you watch this material? Even if you are a layperson, you will surely understand that by next year at the latest, China will have double the percentage points of international control compared to the USA. Generally speaking, this implies that they will take control of the world, as according to Kossecki, double the number means that in case of conflict, that country will win the fight. The level of this control between the BRICS countries and NATO is also discussed, as these systems compete with each other. However, who is better, you will find out after watching this commentary.

Cybernetics has been withdrawn from universities in Poland because it allows predicting the future using mathematical formulas.

"Commentaries of the 8th Day" is a current affairs program focusing on analyzing the most important events worldwide.



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