The Stand Up Protest campaign met with great support from people driving cars. The horns were turned on and the thumbs were raised in support
Forced vaccination, jab for kids 5-12, lockdown for unvaxxed
Video about Irish patriot Andy Heasman, who was sentenced to two months in prison for missing a mask on his face on a bus. Protests at the gate of Castlerea Prison take place every Tuesday and Friday from 4 pm to 6 pm. Everyone is welcome.
Wien - protest 20.11.2021. Lockdown for those who aren't jabbed, forced vaccination for everybody upcoming, children 5-12 being vaccinated already.
The clip is an announcement of Anti Establishment Demonstration Grafton Street November 13th 12-PM
We, the people, will assemble @ 12:00 on 13•11•21 at Grafton Street upr. For this peaceful demonstration.
Jam For Freedom and Garda - Dublin St Stephens Green
The second part of the video report of the protest that took place on October 17, 2021 in Enniscorthy.