The HSE have summonsed Niall to attend Dundalk District Court this 2nd Dec for failing to comply with a Compliance Notice served on 5th Nov that he must check a customer's vaccine pass for entry to his cafe. If the Compliance Order is granted the District Judge has the power to close the business down for 7 days in the first instance.
Our customers’ health status is none of my business. Our café will never discriminate against our customers whatever the consequences. I intend to fight this all the way at the District Court and Higher Courts. It does not matter if people have chosen to comply with unjust and unethical laws. Wrong is still wrong and the fact that civil servants and politicians have created this law does not make it right. I have a moral and ethical duty to stand up and do what is right
In Ireland there are huge barriers to access to justice as no legal aid is available. Support Niall at: 3rd PLACE COFFEE HOUSE SUMMONSED TO COURT BY HSE